Spiritual direction is a place of belonging even when the institutional church no longer feels like home.

It is a nonjudgemental space to slow down, return to ourselves, and feel supported.

It is a companionship in which a deeper sense of self and the Sacred emerges.

It is a place to ask and live our questions…What does it mean to be human? How do I come to feel worthy of the space I take up? How do I love and be loved?

My faith background is rooted in Christianity, and my current spiritual practices are guided by mystics, poets, and the natural world.


I am located in Louisville, Colorado. If you are nearby we can meet in person in Louisville or in Boulder. If it’s long distance or you prefer virtual, we can meet over zoom. A hybrid of in person and virtual is also an option.

Contact me for a free initial session. keelyloutaylor@gmail.com

Sessions: 1 hour (typically once a month)
Fee: $60

If cost is prohibitive, discounts available.